The manual is a great place to start. In it, you will find all the information about entire Photon ecosystem. The physical version of the manual comes with the Photon robot, but you can also find a digital version online.

Online Video Course
Watch our free online course and learn why working with the Photon Robot is a good idea. During eleven brief episodes, our instructor will demonstrate all of the robot’s features, along with the available apps, additional teaching resources, and much more.
Photon EDU App
The app gives you access to all our native interfaces, ready-made programs, lesson plans, tutorials, and many other resources.

Lesson Plans
Remember that if you are running out of ideas and feel like doing something completely new, you can always visit the Photon Portal, where you will find numerous resources for all age groups and a wide range of lesson topics. Check for yourself!
Help Center
If you are struggling to set up the robot, if you’re are having trouble connecting robots together or updating them, make sure to visit out our Help Center. There, you will find solutions to all of your problems.

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